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Microsoft's Internet Explorer reaches new low, less than 50% market share

Once touted as THE browser for home users, less than fifty percent keep on using it.
0 Reviews. Rating: NAN Total Votes: 0

Hipster Phrases

From Harry Gibson on Boogie Woogie Blue
2 Reviews. Rating: 1 Total Votes: 1

Hurricane Irene 2011?

It seems there could be a storm brewing.
0 Reviews. Rating: NAN Total Votes: 0

James Van Der Zee: The Harlem Renaissance Photographer

During the Harlem Renaissance, all mediums were used to express their racial identity as well as their personal individuality, and some artists flourished One of those artists was the now legendary photographer James Van Der Zee.
0 Reviews. Rating: NAN Total Votes: 0

phpLD Affiliate Module

This mod was created by Simon on the phpLD forums, and there is a thread about it here: phpLD Affiliate Module Please contact Simon for support or questions, as this is a 3rd Party module.
0 Reviews. Rating: NAN Total Votes: 0

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Friends Together Released for Android

Jun 22, 2023 |
Check out this great new social app for connecting to your friends locally. Learn languages, go on hikes, eat at reastaurants, and make friends! Download at the Android Store  or use the ... Read more

Get out of the Chair

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I wrote this poem. It is called "Get out of the Chair" by David DuVal Sitting in chair. Sitting in chair. World out there. Internet buzz, and going nowhere Need a real ... Read more

Can't Login to Adsense in Firefox

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So first I was frustrated that maybe Google was making it hard to login to Adsense on Firefox, hoping maybe I would use the Chrome browser instead. I was using Firefox because Chrome had crashed so ... Read more

Developing Domains

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This is just a placeholder for some URLs that are more in state of stasis, or I don't know exactly what to do next! Shirpas  - I got this domain for Sherpas, the people who help you get up ... Read more

Your Behind will Follow your Mind

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A regular church going facebook friend posted the below video. What a great phase: Get it in your mind... your behind will follow your mind. ... Read more

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Chana Masala Recipe

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Here is a nice recipe for Chana Masala that is pretty easy to follow and came out good for me. ... Read more

Microsoft's Internet Explorer reaches new low, less than 50% market share

internet explorer market share

According to reports from several visitor tracking companies, IE has reached a new user low globally. In most countries, it still holds the top place, in the US it's 60% followed by Firefox and then Google Chrome. In Asia it holds a steady 60% share of the browsing market, but in Europe it has dropped to 40%. Just two years ago, IE dominated the marketplace with a 67% rating, so many analysts see this as a milestone in the browser wars.

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